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Magnet Wire

Magnet Wire | Remington IndustriesOur collection of magnet wire, also known as enameled wire, includes formvar wire, plain enamel wire, polyurethane wire, litz wire, polyamide-imide wire, and polyimide wire. These types of insulated copper wire are designed to suit a range of applications depending on temperature requirements. Enameled wire is also the go-to choice for coil winding. Below, you’ll find magnet wire in sizes 14 AWG to 44 AWG.

What is Magnet Wire?

Copper wire coated with an insulating jacket is commonly called magnet wire, or enameled wire. Its primary purpose is in electromagnetics; it’s perfect for any application where a coil must be wound, and an electromagnetic field is created. It’s the ideal magnetic coil wire. Magnet wire is therefore used for creating electromagnets, transformers, and inductors. It’s found in audio systems, speakers, motors, generators, guitar pickups, and more. One key reason engineers choose magnet wire is that it allows multiple layers of wire to be wound together without short-circuiting.

When you buy magnet wire from Remington Industries, we can also wind your coils too. 


Enameled Wire and Enameled Copper Wire

So, what is enameled copper wire? Enameled wire and enameled copper wire are terms often used interchangeably to describe magnet wire. If you're looking for enameled copper wire, you're in the right place.

Is Enameled Copper Wire Insulated?

Yes! “Enameled” means “coated”; in this instance, the term describes copper wire that has been coated in plastic or rubber for insulation and protection.

How to Enamel Copper Wire

The process of enameling copper wire requires precision and expert skill. First, the bare copper wire is heated (annealed) to make it softer. Next, the correct amount of enamel is applied to the wire. After this polymerization takes place, in an industrial oven. Finally, it is cooled and lubricated.

How to Remove Enamel from Copper Wire

If you need to remove the enamel from an area of your magnet wire, it is possible to strip it. This can be done using a soldering iron or solder pot, by manually stripping it at room temperature, or by using chemicals, including acetone. Our team offers professional wire stripping services to best meet your needs.

There may be cases where enameled wire isn’t the best choice for your project, and bare copper wire is a better fit. In this instance, you can buy bare copper wire from Remington Industries.

Where to Buy Enameled Copper Wire

Enameled copper wire is available for sale at Remington Industries. All our magnet wire is high-quality and fully customizable with wire services from our team. Add the enameled wire you need to your cart today, or request customizations


What is Insulated Copper Wire?

Magnet wire is insulated copper wire, so many engineers and technicians also refer to it by this name. “Insulated copper wire” is a descriptive term that is unlikely to be misinterpreted. As insulated copper wire is typically used in electronics, electromagnets, power transformers, and other similar applications, the insulation used to protect the copper wire is most often made from rubber or plastic.


Why is Magnet Wire also called Winding Wire?

Magnet wire is also called "winding wire" because it’s perfect for winding electromagnetic coils. Coil winding is required for many applications where magnet wire is the best fit. If you're in need of coil winding services, our team is here to help.


What is Magnetic Wire?

The term “magnetic wire” is sometimes used as a synonym for “magnet wire”. If you’re looking for insulated copper wire, magnet wire is for you. If you’d like to speak with an expert to find the magnetic wire you’re looking for, please give our Johnsburg, Illinois, team a call.


Terms Used for Magnet Wire

As we’ve explored above, there are many different synonyms used to identify magnet wire. If you’re looking for any of the following, you’re in the right place:


What is Magnet Wire Used for?

Magnet wire has countless uses and is the ideal choice for a wide variety of applications. Most commonly, magnet wire is used in electrical projects. 

Our insulated copper wire is perfect for:


Magnet Wire for Science Projects

We're also proud to provide copper magnet wire for school projects. Science experiments are valuable educational experiences, and we provide magnet wire to innovative teachers across the nation, to enable learning. 30 AWG enameled copper wire is often purchased by science teachers and those learning about electronics. If you’re looking for a new, exciting science project for your class or home learning, we recommend making electromagnets!


Magnet Wire Gauges

If you know you're in need of copper magnet wire, but are unsure which gauge or diameter wire you need, we can help. Take a look at our Resources page to source additional information from our Solid Copper Wire & Magnet Wire Data Chart. You’ll also find several other magnet wire data sheets here, including for plain enamel, polyurethane, and polyamide-imide wire.

Need a consultation with an expert? Our magnet wire experts are happy to help. Contact us or give our team a call.


Magnet Wire Insulation Build

Magnet wire is manufactured with a specific enamel thickness, which is referred to as the insulation build or wire build. The insulation on enameled wire is made to meet stringent dimensional standards created by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (known as NEMA). This way, magnet wire made to NEMA specifications can guarantee functionality and consistency. Two of the most common magnet wire builds are single build and heavy build, but there are thicker builds available such as triple build and quad build.

Single Build vs Heavy Build?

The main difference between single build and heavy build magnet wire is the insulation thickness. Heavy build has about double the insulation thickness as single build. Thus, heavy build insulation has a higher dielectric strength and is slightly more resistant to cracking during heat shock than single build. However, with single build wire being thinner overall it will result in a smaller winding build and weight. So, you may choose single build over heavy build if your potential voltage is lower or there isn't a potential for a high voltage spike.

Unsure of which wire build to go with? Contact us! We would be glad to help you decide what will work best for your application.


Magnet Wire to Meet Your Exact Specifications

We offer a wide range of sizes, colors, and temperature ratings as standard, but we can also provide enameled wire designed to meet your exact specifications. Our value-added services are designed to make your job or project easier, more efficient, and cost-effective. Our services include everything from winding copper wire coils to bifilar and trifilar windings, and wire procurement to wire processing. Whether you need your magnet wire cutting, stripping, or terminating, we can help. Learn more about our custom wire services, or click "add to quote" on the enameled copper wire of your choice for a free estimate tailored to your request.